Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wow!!! I thought Canada was safe??

I don't know why I have this image of Canada as completely different than here. I guess it still might be to some degree, but apparently its not as safe, benign and pristine as I imagined.

Read this:

Man Stabbed, Decapitated on Bus from Edmonton to Winnipeg

Was the guy snoring too loudly? Was his music offensive? Did the crazy guy next to him always travel with cutlery or did he board that bus determined to kill? Man...just when you think you are safe and only have body oder to worry about on a bus trip, something like this happens!


They are saying that Clinton's being keynote speaker means she's not on the ticket. Did anyone REALLY think he'd pick her as a running mate? I knew he didn't have the balls to do something TRULY unselfish and good for the country as a whole (and especially the party).

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


July 30, 2008

Clinton to speak Tuesday at Democratic convention, sources say
Posted: 10:15 PM ET

From CNN White House Correspondent Suzanne Malveaux

(CNN) — Sen. Hillary Clinton has agreed to speak on the second night of next month's Democratic convention, headlining on the 88th anniversary of the day women earned the right to vote, sources say.

Two sources close to Clinton said the former presidential candidate will speak August 26 with all female U.S. senators on stage with her.

"Tuesday night is Hillary night," said one supporter.

That night is the anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which gave women the right to vote.

************************* HAVE YOUR TISSUES OUT! What a PROUD happy moment this will be for WOMEN all over!!!!!******************************

Monday, July 28, 2008


I loved this and had to post it. No context. None needed!!!!

Have a great Monday night! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Definition of Terms

The first definition listed in defines "trust" (noun) as a "reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence." I don't think anyone could argue that definition. This meaning (for its noun or verb tense) is probably the most common meaning of the word, although there are quite a few more listed.

I find that trust is such a crucial part of relationships (of all levels), and when you are missing this element, other things easily start to fall apart. Where there is a lack of trust, there is doubt. Doubt is actually defined as "distrust". Its first definition, however, is "to be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe."

So these words are not exact opposites although trust and distrust do seem to be in direct opposition to each other. I find that uncertainty and hesitation are less extreme in my mind than "distrust". Maybe I'm just playing semantics for my own self preservation.

I have lost trust recently and now have doubt. When you realize there is a reason to be uncertain, you begin to question other things from the past. You also aren't sure you believe the new information you get from the now questionable source. You reflect on the old and are slow to take any new information as truth. This puts you in a bad position. When you cannot have faith in someone, what do you have?

There isn't much you can have besides "the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best." You can have hope. I am trying to hold on to that.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Family movie day on Saturday

We had a decent weekend here and celebrated our first family movie day in Texas. We hadn't been to see a movie as a family since moving from NJ until this past weekend. To celebrate, we took off to see Wall E. This is a good movie that did not disappoint. I read the review by Mrs. Loquacious a week or two ago and was worried she was over hyping it! While she does tend to get worked up on certain topics, exuberant even, she was right on about this one.

While watching Wall-E, we laughed and cried and laughed some more!

It isn't for those who were raised to love the loud, fast, and explosive ways of most movies of today, however. I found myself having to "get used to" the lack of dialogue, especially at the beginning of the movie. The first half or so seems to be relatively "quiet". While this was odd to me, it wasn't as bad as the Tom Hanks/talking volleyball movie. ;)

A little peice of tin/metal really does become loveable in this movie. He does look too much like Johnny Five, but he is so much his own chracter and such a willing participant in love. Seeing the concept of frienddship and love portrayed in a slightly differnt way was sweet and endearing.

My daughter who is three and a half thoroughly enjoyed the movie as well! She wouldn't stop talking about "Ev-uh" and "WallEeeee" and kept wanting to recreate scenes from the movie. My husband also enjoyed the flick!

The other really great thing about this movie were the coming attractions! I had never seen so many interesting and funny trailers that left me dying to see more kid flicks! The theme music for some was catchy (and I heard them over and over that evening courtesey of my little girl) and the characters from others were lovable and hilarious. I cannot wait for the next few months when we'll be seeing some really great kid movies come to the big screen. The timing couldn't be better as my daughter is at the perfect age/maturity level for enjoying the movies.

Here is hoping that the next movie day we have is just as enjoyable! :)

Will you be going to see Wall-E or other "kid" movies soon?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fightin' Mad and on a mission!

I know I'll sound schizo after yesterday's post, but I've been sent more information today that just fueled a fire that has been slow burning for a while now.

Okay. Here it goes.


I have heard about this on countless websites (for weeks) but have NOT been hearing about it on the news. Granted, I'm slightly out of the loop in the past week, *this* is the kind of story that just goes against everything and screams "COVER ME!" I would have *had* to have seen it on, but alas, I have not!

B.O. (or the DNC, or both) don't want Senator Clinton "on" the ballot come convention time in Denver. When has this ever been the case? Why is it acceptable to rewrite the rules *now*? If the story is false, where is Howard Dean? Why hasn't he come out to PUBLICALLY denounce them and let everyone know that *nothing* will be changed from standard procedure? I am sure it is true, since most of the no coverage negative Obama stories don't seem to get traction. Sad thing is, THEY ARE almost always TRUE!

THESE are the kinds of sinister little tricks that have me hopping mad with B.O. and his henchmen/women. I'm sick to death of the underhanded crap that has gone on for the entire primary and even now! He looks and talks the part but he is a cunning son of a gun and I DO NOT WANT HIM TO BE *MY* PRESIDENT!

It saddens me that its come to this. I really was hoping I could hold out and "learn" to like him, but I'm so beyond aggravated with the system and his slick playing of things. Its like the guy knows the ways of the Jedi! BO: "I *am* the best change for the country" Stadium full of obamabots: "You *are" the best change for the country..." Droool.

The good news follows:

Because of the latest shenanigans, groups have popped up, most notably, The Denver Group, which is making it their mission to inform the public and ensure that HRC is not only "on the ballot" but in nomination. (The difference of which I was not aware of until reading this post on their site.)

And now it seems that a movement has grown and now, superdelegates are taking notice. IT IS ABOUT DAMN TIME! Where the heck have their heads been (hint: It is dark there!) for the past many months?

*Breaking* Obama SuperDs Switching to Hillary!

By TexasDarlincloseAuthor: TexasDarlin Name: Texas Darlin

Alegre at Alegre’s Corner breaks the story:

…There are unconfirmed reports based on phone banking efforts to reach out to Super D’s that 8 previously Obama SD’s, expressed that, given the opportunity, they would vote for Hillary at the convention.

Did you get that?

Superdelegates who have “declared” for Obama are now saying that they would vote for Hillary at the convention.

How many more disillusioned SuperDs are out there? ...

Read the rest here!

The light at the end of this tunnel is that people are awaking from their slumber. After that much beauty rest they should be drop dead gorgeous! I just hope it is not too late to stop this runaway train!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An important call worth making....

Again, the only way for Dems to be CERTAIN to win, is to have an Obama/Clinton ticket. Without it, he is far too vulnerable to defeat.

With other VP candidates, he is bringing on unknowns and certainly much less experience and depth. He needs a strong compliment and a strong base to get the numbers needed. Alone, he is tied with McCain in popularity (as of this posting) and behind him in fundraising. After eight years of Bush, should McBush be this close to keeping the status quo by winning the White House?

Obama's courting of the middle has left many disillusioned about his dedication to the left and by his ease and comfort with flip-flopping. Because he is looking more and more political and less and less infallible, people are having second thoughts and buyer's remorse. YET, dems still want a ticket they can get behind.

There are 18 million people backing Clinton who would still love to see her on the ticket. With those 18 million votes, Obama cannot lose. If he does not pick her, I fear its the last nail in the coffin of his historic run.

DO ONE SMALL THING to help along an important cause. Below is a brief email from Read it and make the call. I am after posting this. REGARDLESS of where you are or where you live, pick up the phone to help us put an end to the war and begin the process of healing and repairing the United States of America.


We are down to the wire -- Senator Obama will pick his VP any day now. Your help is crucial to making the Dream Ticket a reality.

We are calling Senator Obama to tell him why we support him picking Hillary for VP. It is easy and quick -- We know because we just called.

Do you have time to make a quick call? When they answer the phone tell them who you are, where you are from and that you are a member of -- remember to stay positive and tell them the reasons that YOU support this ticket.

Call Senator Obama at 312-819-2008

When we called Obama's campaign, we told them that Hillary is exactly the candidate Sen. Obama is looking for:

* She’s experienced and a team player who would be a strong partner to help Senator Obama change Washington.
* Hillary is about as tough as they come, and she can help fight back against the Republican attack machine.
* Hillary brings key groups into Obama’s base, allowing him to concentrate on expanding the electoral map.

Feel free to use our notes as a guide while telling them why you support them running together.
If you don't get through the first time please try back again a little while later.

After you call, please take time to be counted by clicking HERE.

Talk to you soon--
Your friends at

Thursday, July 10, 2008

There is only *ONE* way to Beat McCain!!!

If B.O. wants to unite the dems and the country--and more importantly (to him), WIN the election--he *must* not settle for anything less than the very best. Anything short of creating the "dream ticket" is stupid and careless. This is too close of a race to leave it to speeches and spin.

Courtesy of

Dear Friend,

The dream ticket needs your help TODAY.

Yesterday and today in New York City, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton came together for a series of fundraisers. Reports from these events show what we both know—the firepower of Senator Obama and Senator Clinton on stage, together, would blow away the Republicans and lead us toward a brighter future. Reporters are already writing about what they think of Hillary on the ticket, and we think they should hear what you and I have to say.

Take a moment and tell the media and thousands of readers in your area why you think Barack Obama should pick Hillary Clinton.

Soon, Barack Obama will make the most important decision of his campaign. He will pick a person he trusts to be just a heartbeat away from the presidency to join him on the trail. He knows his pick must be smart, tough, and respected—someone who can fight back against the Republican attack machine through November and who he can work with in the White House.

You and I know that this person is Hillary Clinton. And it's now time to take our campaign to the pages of a paper in your area.

Click HERE to find the email address for your hometown paper.

Show people that Hillary belongs on the ticket because she makes Obama electorally and financially stronger. She is a true team player. She's been vetted 18 million times over, and will unite our party for change.

Your continued work for a Democratic "dream ticket" keeps this alive. Send your letter today, and be a part of the coverage tomorrow.

Voting Both,

Adam Parkhomenko

Friday, July 4, 2008

Who Doesn't Like B.O.?

Some Clinton supporters still not embracing Obama, poll says
Posted: 04:40 PM ET

From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

A new poll shows many of Clinton's supporters still aren't read to back Obama.
(CNN) — One week after Hillary Clinton made a public show of unity with Barack Obama, a new survey suggests supporters of the New York senator are increasingly less likely to follow her lead.

A growing number of Clinton supporters say they may stay home in November instead of casting their ballot for Obama, a clear sign the party has yet to coalesce around the Illinois senator four weeks after the most prolonged and at times divisive primary race in modern American history came to a close.

According to a new survey from CNN and the Opinion Research Corporation, the number of Clinton supporters who plan to defect to John McCain's camp is down from one month ago, but in what could be an ominous sign for Obama as he seeks to unify the party, a growing number of them say they may not vote at all.

In a CNN/ORC survey conducted in early June, entirely before the New York senator officially ended her White House bid, 22 percent of Clinton supporters said they would not vote at all if Obama was the party's nominee. Now close to a third say they will stay home. In all, only 54 percent of Clinton backers say they plan on voting for Obama.

In another sign the wounds of the heated primary race have yet to heal, more than 4 in 10 registered Democrats — 43 percent — still say they would prefer Clinton to be the party's presidential nominee. That number is significantly higher than it was in early June, when only 35 percent of Democrats said they preferred the New York senator to lead the party's presidential ticket Then, Obama won 59 percent of support from registered Democrats, now he garners 5 points less.

By nearly any measure then, it's clear Clinton supporters remain wary of supporting the man who beat her.

Read the rest here.

About time!

Happy Fourth!

I hope you all have a great fourth of July weekend. I will have a busy weekend between family obligations and work (weekend's are busy for me) but I'll be back before too long!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

OH. MY. Goodness. *pant pant*

So today I was beat into a sad pile of wilted, sore, fleshy mush. Almost literally. I went back to personal training after more than a two and a half month break. I have a new trainer, who I actually like, but I was so out of shape that it left me breathless, dizzy and dang near passing out.


First off, I was worried the trainer would look kinda like this ---> Cat_avatar but she actually is very normal looking and has really muscular legs. She wasn't as young as some of the others (25). So far, so good. (I say this because I previously had a young guy trainer (20) who I liked as a person, but not otherwise. Sweet kid, but wasn't consistent and seemed to lack some knowledge.)

I felt fine for the first half of things and then started slowly to feel light headed. I get light headed in my day to day life (not sure why yet, thinking its an inner ear something because BP and sugar issues have been ruled out), so this was nothing out of the ordinary. A little closer to the end, I told her how I felt and we took longer breaks but pressed on. I'm stubborn too and was determined to get through it.

Then the last set of ab exercises came. I had to hold my now leaden legs up and balance on my tailbone/butt doing medicine ball twists. I know I'm not using technical names, but I am still panting here. Gimme a break. :) This last move took every last ounce of effort I had in me and I told her before I started it that I might not finish. But of course, I pushed forward. I stopped right before it was over and she made me finish.

Done. THANK GOODNESS. Whoa. Things really start spinning. Oh snap!

I sat for a while and then nausea started. CRAP. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. Spinning spinning by the toilet. I realize too late that I'm not going to puke. I'm going to pass out. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT!

I walked as fast as I could as the room went I grabbed the door before going down and fell beside it. I think I lost a few seconds there, but was back soon thereafter. The door opened and I crawled outside and across the small hall into the kid room where my kid was busy playing with a worker and a few other kids.

"Mama!!! Look!!! These are all my friends!" Hugs and kisses follow as I lay there, room spinning and feeling extremely out of it. The trainer had been there from the tail end of the bathroom thing when I was coming back to the land of the living and had said a few things and was sitting next to me again by this time. She brought a glucose pill for me to chew on. Yum. Orangey.

We proceed to talk while I come to. She is a nice gal. Young, but I like her better than my previous trainer. I also learn she used to be my size! Woah. She's now a size four. HUH? WTF? She swears she can get me to size eight. I laughed. Hard. Out loud. Feeling much better now.

Before you go thinking that I didn't eat anything, I had a meal replacement bar en route to the gym. It was a south beach one, so it had carbs in it. I really thought I'd be okay! I have had a lot of dizzy work outs in the past (I have lots of dizzy days), but they *never* ended this way before! INSANE.

The past two days have been emotionally draining for a few reasons, though, so I am not surprised the physical draining followed. I had been away from working out with weights and I was running on fumes. Little sleep. Etc.

Mind and body connection. I swear its a very real thing!

I will be back on Tuesday and every Tuesday and Thursday after that. Hopefully I am back to where I was and then some in another month or so and it should happen without any more black outs! ;)

I'll be back to the gym tomorrow for cardio and I hope no one points and laughs! s2