Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fightin' Mad and on a mission!

I know I'll sound schizo after yesterday's post, but I've been sent more information today that just fueled a fire that has been slow burning for a while now.

Okay. Here it goes.


I have heard about this on countless websites (for weeks) but have NOT been hearing about it on the news. Granted, I'm slightly out of the loop in the past week, *this* is the kind of story that just goes against everything and screams "COVER ME!" I would have *had* to have seen it on, but alas, I have not!

B.O. (or the DNC, or both) don't want Senator Clinton "on" the ballot come convention time in Denver. When has this ever been the case? Why is it acceptable to rewrite the rules *now*? If the story is false, where is Howard Dean? Why hasn't he come out to PUBLICALLY denounce them and let everyone know that *nothing* will be changed from standard procedure? I am sure it is true, since most of the no coverage negative Obama stories don't seem to get traction. Sad thing is, THEY ARE almost always TRUE!

THESE are the kinds of sinister little tricks that have me hopping mad with B.O. and his henchmen/women. I'm sick to death of the underhanded crap that has gone on for the entire primary and even now! He looks and talks the part but he is a cunning son of a gun and I DO NOT WANT HIM TO BE *MY* PRESIDENT!

It saddens me that its come to this. I really was hoping I could hold out and "learn" to like him, but I'm so beyond aggravated with the system and his slick playing of things. Its like the guy knows the ways of the Jedi! BO: "I *am* the best change for the country" Stadium full of obamabots: "You *are" the best change for the country..." Droool.

The good news follows:

Because of the latest shenanigans, groups have popped up, most notably, The Denver Group, which is making it their mission to inform the public and ensure that HRC is not only "on the ballot" but in nomination. (The difference of which I was not aware of until reading this post on their site.)

And now it seems that a movement has grown and now, superdelegates are taking notice. IT IS ABOUT DAMN TIME! Where the heck have their heads been (hint: It is dark there!) for the past many months?

*Breaking* Obama SuperDs Switching to Hillary!

By TexasDarlincloseAuthor: TexasDarlin Name: Texas Darlin

Alegre at Alegre’s Corner breaks the story:

…There are unconfirmed reports based on phone banking efforts to reach out to Super D’s that 8 previously Obama SD’s, expressed that, given the opportunity, they would vote for Hillary at the convention.

Did you get that?

Superdelegates who have “declared” for Obama are now saying that they would vote for Hillary at the convention.

How many more disillusioned SuperDs are out there? ...

Read the rest here!

The light at the end of this tunnel is that people are awaking from their slumber. After that much beauty rest they should be drop dead gorgeous! I just hope it is not too late to stop this runaway train!

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