Thursday, July 10, 2008

There is only *ONE* way to Beat McCain!!!

If B.O. wants to unite the dems and the country--and more importantly (to him), WIN the election--he *must* not settle for anything less than the very best. Anything short of creating the "dream ticket" is stupid and careless. This is too close of a race to leave it to speeches and spin.

Courtesy of

Dear Friend,

The dream ticket needs your help TODAY.

Yesterday and today in New York City, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton came together for a series of fundraisers. Reports from these events show what we both know—the firepower of Senator Obama and Senator Clinton on stage, together, would blow away the Republicans and lead us toward a brighter future. Reporters are already writing about what they think of Hillary on the ticket, and we think they should hear what you and I have to say.

Take a moment and tell the media and thousands of readers in your area why you think Barack Obama should pick Hillary Clinton.

Soon, Barack Obama will make the most important decision of his campaign. He will pick a person he trusts to be just a heartbeat away from the presidency to join him on the trail. He knows his pick must be smart, tough, and respected—someone who can fight back against the Republican attack machine through November and who he can work with in the White House.

You and I know that this person is Hillary Clinton. And it's now time to take our campaign to the pages of a paper in your area.

Click HERE to find the email address for your hometown paper.

Show people that Hillary belongs on the ticket because she makes Obama electorally and financially stronger. She is a true team player. She's been vetted 18 million times over, and will unite our party for change.

Your continued work for a Democratic "dream ticket" keeps this alive. Send your letter today, and be a part of the coverage tomorrow.

Voting Both,

Adam Parkhomenko

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