Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Been Busy!

Seems life gets in the way sometimes! It can't always be pleasant and it hasn't been really lately. But what can you do but deal with it? So you do!

But I had to post a couple of pics of my honey. My girl went to have her FIRST "pedi" (nail painting) last week. I am trying to motivate her to quit sucking her fingers! It is hard because she does it at night, but she's trying to cut back so this was her reward. I want her to get her finger nails done, but she cannot until she quits sucking those fingers! :)


This is another photo of her at her dad's softball game on a surprisingly cool evening here in TX! This was about a week ago too.


Aside from that, dinner is cooking and I'm behind in my grading! LIFE is what it is! :) Hopefully in another couple of weeks we'll be relocated and settled in well before the holidays! Looking at places now and hoping we get a decent deal somewhere. I want to get into the holiday spirit soon but feel like I cannot until we are parked somewhere less temporary!

Have a great week! :)


Diario de Elysia said...

She is sooo big. I am sure you will find something soon. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

awwww your daughter is so beautiful!!