Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A sticker and a lolli and all is well with the World! :)

lollipop Pictures, Images and Photos

How I wish that life REALLY worked so easily! It does for little ones. Mine is almost four. She has her birthday in January. Life is relatively simple for her at this stage. She gets in trouble when she disobeys and gets treats when she's good. She has very few responsibilities and not a care in the world aside from where her favorite lovey might be found.

Today was the first time I took her in for a shot after talking to her about it at length. She knew that she was going in for a flu shot because everyone in the family was. Daddy goes later this week and mommy goes next week (all different doctors) and her appointment was today. She was frightened and really tried to talk me out of it, but I insisted and explained why.

Its one of the very important "big sister" responsibilities she had. We all share the same responsibility. We have to stay healthy. If one of us gets sick, the chances of mama and baby getting sick are quite high. Baby is not as strong as we are, so we have to try hard not to get sick. She got it, but was NOT happy about it.

So she knew it was coming and I'm not sure if it made it easier or harder for her. She seemed fine until the needle came out. she didn't cry until it went in, but I had a hard time getting her distracted because she wouldn't stop STARING at the needle. She was anticipating it and I think that made it much more painful. She proceeded to cry quite a lot and loudly.

Then when we left the exam room, she picked out her sticker and her lollipop, barely whimpering by this time. In the elevator, she complained to me that it hurt a lot and that she needed to be carried. I tried, but that didn't last long. So, she hobbled along until we made it to the car. Once inside, she tore into her lolli and the whimpers stopped. Her eyes were still wet with tears, but she was all smiles.

Sugar does make the medicine go down...in the most delightful way! :) Mary Poppins sure knew her stuff!


Mrs. Loquacious said...

Awesome anecdote! I love the way you reasoned with a 4-year old ;) And as for staring at the needle, maybe she got that from her mother - a morbid curiosity in spite of herself? ;)

She is growing up to be one cute kid, BTW. Nice work!

Diario de Elysia said...

LOL poor lena, ya'll are nuts, why couldn't you get them all at the same time?

tejanamama said...

They don't give them to adults at the peds office lys. And I go to a midwives office now...they won't do josh there or lena. So we made appts with our respective caregivers!

Gracias Mrs.L! She's SOMETHING Else that is for damn sure!