Monday, June 18, 2012

Life slows down...for now!


It has been a crazy busy few weeks! Thank goodness it has all come to an end. :) I took a short term position that ended last week and this weekend we had a little get-away trip and Father's Day, so we were VERY busy. Let's catch up quickly.

The temporary job was teaching kids 14 to 17 years old to prepare them for an exam in writing/sentence skills. That took it OUT of me. Each day I came home to so much grading because I was meeting with four classes each day. That is more grading that I am used to doing since I am used to fewer classes that are longer. These classes were shorter, but between 20 and 25 students a piece. My wrists paid for all the grading by hand AND email messages I had to send out nightly. That left little time (or ability) to blog. :)

Then this weekend we had a short (one night) get away to Lakeway Resort and Spa. What a fun time! Family and fun and LOTS of pool time. The kids had so much fun and Josh and I are a little bit burned, but all in all, it was well worth it. We slathered the girls in sun screen so they are good but both got such pretty tans. They tan gorgeously!

It was a big weekend for Elena as she learned to hold her breath under water and she went down the big water slide. LOVED seeing her so adventurous. I am glad because now I know she's ready for swim lessons. We are going to put them both in lessons in July.

This weekend also got me stoked about our upcoming Vegas trip. Josh has been once before but I have never been and the girls haven't either. I'm doing some online research now to find a hotel.

During the past two weeks, eating on plan and fitting in exercise has been extremely challenging, but I think I did pretty well. I didn't do as well as I would have liked to have done, but well enough to lose some more weight and to bring me VERY close to a goal. I am hoping in the next week or so I will break through this huge barrier. Serious, big, and important goal. I am excited that I am THIS close. Once I do meet that goal, I will be shouting it from the mountaintops (virtual ones, of course)!

NOTE: It isn't an end point, but a destination I have wanted to visit for a LONG time. :)

This week I want to get into a better schedule, hitting the gym a little more regularly and focusing more on resistance training. I have started to work that into my routine, but not regularly yet. I hope to change that.

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