Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hi-ho, Hi-ho...Off to Work I Go (errr...STAY)!


Okay I love what I do, but honestly, doing it NOW is the furthest thing from my mind. I do NOT feel like dealing with the grading and stress right now when I have so much else going on. DANG ECONOMY is not leaving me much of a choice though.

I start work next week and I am dreading it.

The worst part is that I do not have a regular job where you drive there, work there, then leave it there. I work AT HOME and never get to leave it. I have to fit it in between feedings, diaper changes, play dates and trips to the grocery store or park and naps! It is hard to get the work done, especially when I am not good at keeping my comments to students brief. I need to work on that and keep saying I will, but it is so hard when the classroom is a virtual space.

The best part is that this job allows me to avoid day cares or babysitters. I am with my children 24/7 and I realize how blessed that makes me.

There is no such thing as a free lunch though, so it is a huge sacrifice and a blessing all in one!

The things we do for money! :(


Diario de Elysia said...

Hey lady it's been ages since we talked! Sorry you have to go back to work, I feel ya!

Mrs. Loquacious said...

How many are you teaching this term? I agree that it sucks that you have to work, though if you *have to* find a silver lining (besides those two beautiful little girls you get to spend the day with), it's that you can keep your feet wet when it comes to the profession; you get to stay relevant and keep your skills honed ;)

In this economy, I'm just glad you and your DH can both still work!!

Miss ya babe!! **HUGS**