Sunday, June 14, 2009

Good news and bad news

Thank goodness I survived week one! I now only have nine more weeks of grading for this course! :)

I got offered two more classes that overlap with these and I don't think I can handle it. I love the idea of the extra cash, but it is HARD staying on top of grading.

It is one minute to midnight here and I am ready for the week with one hour to spare. It took a LONG time to get things ready between eating meals, going to church, feeding my milk loving baby and trying to talk her out of her screaming fit earlier. UGH it was a loud, long evening!

I have managed to survive the first week without falling behind. Good news is that I did it. Bad news is that week one is always the easiest week! I have high hopes that I can balance things and keep moving forward this way!

The other bad news is that I have time for little else. I think of the fun summer things I want to fit it and it is hard when the majority of my work falls on the weekend. It is hard to squeeze family stuff in when Saturdays and Sundays have to be set aside for working. I have grading to get done and the week of posts to prepare but also, this is the best time for working since hubby is around to watch the kids while I work! I do work during the week, but because of due dates and when our week begins (Monday), the weekend is the best time for working!

I knew this was coming and I just hope that we are still able to fit in some fun stuff along the way, either during a really slow weekend or after these classes end. It all depends on if I get a break before starting new courses or if I overlap the next set with these.

The other good news that my little girl is changing! She really is starting to come into her own in the looks department and it is facinating to watch! :)

MORE bad news is that my eldest is making life hard sometimes. She wants to go run and do constantly and with classes and an infant in tow she is HATING how things are slowing down. Things cost money too and she is oblivious to that. "Just go to the bank" she tells me. IF ONLY it were that easy! It must be great being four!

She doesn't think it is so great though. She is in a rough spot being that she thinks she is a teen most days. She knows what she wants to wear (regardless of the weather, if its clean, if it fits, etc) and I don't know anything. She knows what she wants to do, and again, I know nothing! :( It sucks being so stupid! ;)

I look into my little one's innocent face and wonder if I am in for more of the same or if she will be dramatically different. Don't think I can handle TWO divas!

I am tired so no more news for now. Look for pics on the other blog! About to put some up!

1 comment:

Mrs. Loquacious said...

If she's spirited, she's just like her mama ;) Hopefully you will be able to find some balance once things settle into place with the new course.

Is your hubby working F/T too? Can he pick up some extra work doing computer stuff from home? I hate when $ is tight - it is a constant worry and not very much fun. And little girls, from what I hear, are expensive (and only get more expensive over time)!

Can't wait to see more pics. Both girls are so pretty in such unique ways..and the little one has the biggest happiest smile. So adorable!

Okay, stop blogging now and get sleep or get to work ;) **HUGS**