Monday, February 16, 2009

V-day weekend

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What a great weekend it was! You know its rare to have a weekend when you don't feel anything was a disappointment. Usually you spend more time doing something work related or busy with to-do lists or just never get around to doing the things you need to get done. Sometimes you don't spend enough quality family time with loved ones or feel short changed because time flies so quickly. This was not one of those weekends.

Somehow, we managed to jam so much into it that needed to get done plus spend a ton of time having fun. There were happy surprises and a good time seemed to be had by all.

Elena got to go to her first "big kid" party at hubby's friend's house. It was very different from the little kid parties we have been to, but it was a good time. I got to meet the friend from work and his family and that was nice. We got along well and had a good time at the birthday party.

We also got to visit friends we hadn't seen in a long time. That was a nice thing to finally get around to too. They moved out of town and were in for the weekend, so it was great to reconnect.

Of course, it was Valentine's Day weekend as well. This went surprisingly well. My husband, who tries but struggles with romance, has never been great with these kinds of things. He tries, like i said before, but isn't always good at making me feel loved. This weekend was much different and it was a great change of pace!

I got flowers, delicious chocolate truffles (milk/white combo), Necco Sweethearts (my favorite candy for this holiday) and a very sweet card. It wasn't so much about the gifts as it was the sentiment and the words all weekend. I felt like he was trying to make me feel special and loved, and that is something I appreciate so much!

Busy weekends can be stressful, but this one was productive and enjoyable! It is good to have a great weekend from time to time! I was overdue!!!

1 comment:

Mrs. Loquacious said...

Glad to hear you got loved on this weekend, babe! You *SO* deserve it and it's high time the guy learned how to shower the affection on ya ;)

Mine did well too...I woke up to a sweet card on my night table. I made him breakfast (whole wheat pancakes, turkey bacon, and mixed berry compote), then we shopped all day (picked up his gift - an Italian dress shirt and a new leather jacket) and then we did Chinese fondue (aka Hot Pot) and enjoyed a nice fruity white wine, and then he baked me brownies from scratch! They were good, too! :) The best part was the full day of undivided attention. I love it!

PS - I did get gifts too..but I'm still shopping for them. New dresses & shoes, etc.