Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Merry Merry Christmas...and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

happy holidays or hannukah Pictures, Images and Photos

2008 is coming to an abrupt ending. It seems to have come even faster this year. I imagine that is part of getting older, since it seems to be a trend!

I hope that everyone is spending their last days of the year with loved ones and enjoying a blessed and happy holiday!

Elena is sick so we are in a boogary tissue-covered wasteland right now, but we are tracking Santa on NORAD and she's PSYCHED about possibly getting her scooter tomorrow. She is certain its coming because she was SOOOOO "Good" this year (cough cough ehem..NOT..cough cough). Lucky for her its bought and will be under the tree despite her pain-in-the-ass tendencies! ;)

The year has been a mixed one with some high highs and some low lows. Thankfully, a new year is right around the corner, and I am hoping for a better 2009. A baby will join the family within only a few months, and that is always good happy news. I am looking forward to it!

Despite the economy, we are doing well enough to not want for anything and to have a Merry Christmas. We are blessed!

I hope you and yours enjoy a great time over the holidays! Know you are loved and that you are thought of often! Very few cards went out from me this year and they were sent LATE! Hopefully, everyone in my life knows that I love them and that Christmas came a bit too fast for me this year! :)


Back to my cookie making! We are making blossoms (topped with a Hershey kiss), chocolate peanut butter cookies, and regular chocolate chip. Tonight Elena will make a small batch of sugar cookies JUST for Santa. He said only special people leave those for him. She wants to leave Chocolate chip ones and wants to leave enough for the elves and reindeer and Mrs. Clause. That is a whole lotta cookies!

Mine don't look like these, but these sure look good! I wish I had the patience to make cute ones like these!

christmas cookies Pictures, Images and Photos

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo! :)

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