Monday, September 8, 2008

Media Shake Down

Thank GOD they finally came to their senses over at NBC! I used to love watching Tom Brokaw, and whilie I still enjoy watching him when he's on, the next gen of anchors have been unable to live up to his level of performance.

Throughout the primaries, I got mroe and more tired of the MSNBC goons and their unfair coverage. It was interesting at first to see a different side of coverage, but as it grew more and more liberal, I realized I was watching the left version of Fox and not "news" at all.

I was unable to watch them lately until I saw the clips of them self destructing. It seems that over the past two weeks, things finally came to a head and it was interesting to see how far they would let it go.

Apparntly not too far! NBC saw the light and decided to stir things up and make some big changes! GOOD FOR THEM!

MSNBC: Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews won't anchor politics

Monday, September 8th 2008, 9:06 AM

MSNBC said Sunday it is replacing Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews as co-anchors of political night coverage with David Gregory, and will use the two newsmen as commentators.

This article gets interesting! Read the rest of it here! :)

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