Monday, July 2, 2012

Sugarfree-less and loving it

Eight days into my chemical-free efforts, I tripped up! I accidentally ordered a skinny vanilla latte without realizing that it is made with SUGAR substitute. :) Well, at least I am trying. Live and learn!

Next time I visit the green mermaid, I will be ordering a plain latte and adding stevia at home. :) I have taken well to using stevia and even went off and bought a plant of it at my local nursery (where I bought several types of basil earlier in spring that are growing splendidly).

While at the nursery, I also bought a pot of peppermint and spearmint and cannot wait to see how those do. I have enjoyed having fresh herbs more than I ever thought I could! Having fresh basil made me start looking for ways to integrate it into my cooking. It has been challenging and led me to try new things. That keeps our food interesting and keeps us open to change. That is not something ordinary in my household, so I welcome it!

I spent some of Sunday putting my basil into the ground because it has outgrown the container and seems very unhappy there. I first re-potted the main basil plant because it started to look so sad and was wilting. Once I moved it to a larger container it was rejuvenated! It has come back stronger and spread and grown so much in so little time. The others started looking sad too so I put them into the ground and hope they like that even better than larger containers.

Something about growing things yourself really makes you appreciate the food you eat, the miracle of a seed and of nature and the work that goes into the process (when done the old fashioned way). I can get why things were streamlined to make mass production/growing more possible, but I don't know why people were never satisfied and wanted to plant more in less space and inject the seeds so they would be resistant to everything. Man took something so perfect, and frankly, f*cked it up. What used to be a wonderful source of nutrition that helped us grow stronger and keep us healthy has slowly become the poison that is making us all fatter and sicker.

Some things shouldn't be messed with. A plant knows how to grow. It is programed to grow and fall off the tree or vine or bush or plant at the JUST the right time. It is programmed to turn beautiful colors that announce to us its perfect stage of ripeness. We can listen to that and partake of its yumminess or allow it to fall to the ground and feed the animals, or the ground itself. But to take it and try to improve upon it and not known when to stop has not made ANYTHING better or stronger except for profits of the few agribusinesses who are benefiting from our collective lack of knowledge or lack of interest in the process. Don't ask, don't tell, right?

Back to my chemical-free eight days: It was a good streak. I am right back on the wagon after that latte and have not regretted this worth-while endeavor. Previous to dropping the sweeteners, I had been having terrible back cramps (think charlie horse in your BACK), that started out of no where. I had no warning and they were happening VERY frequently. I had one a week then one a day, and some days they were coming and going quite often. They struck me in the middle of teaching, in the middle of sitting and typing, in the middle of mass, sitting at dinner, while washing dishes, and basically just at any time I was able to feel--even in my sleep. Needless to say they have been a huge and painful distraction for months.

For a week, I haven't had a single cramp. NOT ONE. Maybe it is a coincidence but maybe it is not. I have had two massages in the past 3 weeks as well and think that has contributed to things too. I have a third booked for later this week and I know those are helpful to me for a few reasons but did they cause the cramps to stop? Exercise, stretching, and muscle relaxers have all failed me. If this is working, I have no plans to go back to my pastel packets in my coffee or tea. I do miss my instant sugar-free beverages, especially my half and half drink that I blogged about last time, but living without those is a small price to pay for living without the constant fear of muscle cramps!


Mrs. Loquacious said...

I am using more sugar and less Splenda these days and becoming a Whole Foods junkie. But still, I'm nowhere near where you are in terms of cutting out all processed stuff; I enjoy my McCains fries a bit too much ;)

I love fresh basil and tomatoes and buffalo mozzarella drizzled with balsamic vinegar and olive oil! Also makes for a great margherita pizza! Mmmmm

tejanamama said...

You slowly get out of the old habits for sure. But the more you learn, the more you know, and it really makes sticking to your old habits harder and harder to do! :) You do what you have to to get you to where you need to be to be prepared to take the next leap into your cleaner life! Step by step, even if they are baby steps! STILL gets you where you are going.