Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Big Fat News!

Or the skinny on things!! Including me!!!

Although I'm far from skinny, there is less of me than there was only a few short months ago. Since I started my weight loss /health journey (this time around, back on 10/29/07), I have lost a total of 32lbs! In addition, I've lost more inches than I want to admit to and 4% body fat! Wooohoo! Go me!

On the one hand, those stats are amazing and give me a huge sense of accomplishment, but on the other hand when I see how big the numbers are, and that I have more yet to lose, it brings home the fact that I was a very large woman. I am not proud of where I've been for far longer than I care to admit! Unlike some, however, I've never been a small or even medium-sized person. I've been large my whole life, and grew larger as I aged, got married and got busy with life.

These days, I am proud to see my clothes hanging on me, and to be fitting into things I wasn't able to fit into, even before I conceived my daughter! I'm smaller now than I was when I became pregnant four years ago!

I no longer work out with the trainer who started me on this journey, but I'm thankful to him for teaching me and motivating me to get this far. I'm mostly on my own now (seeing another trainer at my new gym only once a week). I find that juggling things on my own is harder, but I'm determined to make exercise a way of life, since I hope to continue shrinking and seeing my cholesterol and other numbers remain in healthy ranges.

Truth be told, I love food. I realize now that I can indulge myself (and do) but that it is the exercise that makes it possible. When I don't include it religiously, it can cause problems--big, ugly, dimply, fat ones! Since I know I'm never going to be able to live a completely carb-free, sugar-free, fat-free existence, I know I need to get myself to the gym 4-6 times a week to keep myself in check.

That being said, I better go get my yoga pants on and head there. I look better in those than I ever thought I could. While I'm not ready to wear them without my comfy t-shirt covering most of my midsection, I don't have to wear my husband's extra larges with them anymore! Woohoo! :) Small victory, but a victory nonetheless!

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