Monday, July 9, 2012

Sometimes the little things mean a lot

In the past week or so I have noticed a few things that have made me smile. Lately, its been small little things I have happened that have kept me in a great mood.

I have downsized in my clothing more than once since starting my weight loss efforts two years ago, but lately I am fitting into things that I just never imagined I COULD get into. Some clothes I hadn't dared to try on during the past few months, I finally put on only to find they are too big on me. I have missed chances to wear clothes I have had around because I was too scared to try them on! :)
And just a few days ago, I put on a shirt I bought a year ago, that was TOO form fitting to wear out at the time but now it fits. It doesn't only fit, it has ROOM in it and I can wear it without worrying about how I look in it.

That happy surprise led me to pull a few other items out of the closet. I had a shirt that was not plus-sized that my husband got me a year or two ago (in the wrong size). I had tried it on a few times since getting it and it was always too snug around my hips. I finally was able to put it on this weekend and have it fall nicely. It isn't tight at all.

This is all HUGE to me.

And the other day, while working out, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror for long enough to notice something. My favorite t-shirt is huge on me. I am swimming it in and I need a replacement. :) It was always a comfy fit because I got a 2x to accommodate my hips and FEEL okay about wearing it. I bought it to be comfy because I wanted it long and wide enough for me to feel at ease in it. And now I think I can go down MORE than one size.

So soon I will be looking for another alma mater tee to replace the one that is now too big on me. It will be so great to have that smaller shirt on when I continue my trips to the gym. It will start snug, as a large will be snug on these hips, but I look forward to watching it begin to fit more comfortably as time passes.

These little things are normal things that many may take for granted. I have wanted to NOT be stuck in plus sized clothes my whole life. My entire adult life, I have been in specialty stores. I still am for much of my wardrobe, but I finally do see that the days of that being the case are numbered. It has been a long time coming.

Putting on a shirt and having a little extra room in it is enough to make my week. It is a small thing, but in my world (and the world of anyone who is on a long weight loss journey), it is a very big deal. It does so much for my state of mind on this journey and keeps me motivated.

When I do see that my motivations does start to wane, I will look at the size of my clothes and remember where I started...and I will keep moving forward.

1 comment:

Mrs. Loquacious said...

Keep motivated, babe! That's one thing I lost sight of after I got engaged, and it brought on the weight that I had worked so hard to lose over the course of 2 years. Now all of it's back, and it brought friends!! :(

But with clean eating and summer activities, I am hoping to kick off some of the pounds. Hubbs tells me I already dropped a few, but I suspect that's from getting sick last week ;)