Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dentists and orthodotia for the little one

tooth Pictures, Images and Photos

I don't even believe that this is happening.

Apparently in the very recent past, my daughter's teeth have gone to SHIT. I am NOT exaggerating. We went to see our new pediatric dentist who is awesome today, but the news was all all all all all bad! :(

We found out she has quite a few cavities. He said her teeth were clean and well taken care of, but extremely SOFT and susceptible to cavities. She has more cavities in her mouth NOW than I have ever had in my entire life. I had NONE on my baby teeth and a handful on my "big" teeth during my entire adulthood! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?

I'm devastated because teeth are so important and knowing she'll have to endure some pain in the very near future just kills me.

We have an appointment Thursday to see the recommended kid orthodontist (I had no idea they existed) and get an estimate about what it will take to handle the situation. The dentist (who came highly recommended, and I see why now) HIGHLY recommended this orthodontist. The problem is, he's not in network! This means this might get really expensive.

Pulling Tooth Pictures, Images and Photos

We are looking at possible extractions of one to two teeth, a possible crown and quite a few fillings. It cannot happen in one session unless they use anesthesia which I am NOT thrilled about.

This particular ortho has an anesthesiologist come into his office while others have you go to the hospital for the procedure. Things are complicated by the fact that she is too light for some of the medicines they would usually use for numbing. :( My little light weight. :(

What a sad morning it was for me. With only one month before the baby arrives and lena with a couple of very bad teeth, we have to move QUITE quickly. I hope it all falls into place and we can do it. I hope we can afford it too! A PAYMENT PLAN is hopefully in my future!!


Mrs. Loquacious said...

That is terrible news, babe! *hugs*
The only silver lining I can think of is this: these are not all her permanent teeth and some are going to fall out in a few years anyway. Those teeth can probably be spared the costly orthodontics. ;)

tejanamama said...

I was thinking the same thing but apparently they can cause a lot of pain and issues now and in the time before they finally fall out. :( NONE of these are permanants, but because she needs them for a while yet, they have to be handled so she doesnt wake up swollen in agony one day! :( I hope the consult goes well on Thursday! *fingers xed*

Diario de Elysia said...

OMG Poor litte Lena. Did dhe have any pain to let oyu know her teeth were going down hill?